Monthly Archives: April 2017

Writing Magic: Politicizing Fan Culture

“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, the most inexhaustible form of magic we have, capable both of inflicting injury and remedying it.” ~ Albus Dumbledore Fans are no doubt aware that online fanfics and the communities in which they circulate house rich critiques about gender, sexuality, race and identity. In fact, many fan writers deliberately insert […]

via Writing Magic: Politicizing Fan Culture — FAN/FIC Magazine

Here’s How Much Some Iconic Movie Houses Are Worth

Have you ever watched Home Alone and wondered what in the world Kevin’s dad must do for a living to be able to afford that gorgeous home and a Christmas vacation to Paris for the entire family? It’s the type of thought which likely only occurs to you as you get older and face the […]

via Infographic: Here’s How Much Some Iconic Movie Houses Are Worth — We Minored in Film

“Spring” as a Metaphor

As we begin the first week of April the Midwest is finally seeing the promise made by the groundhog’s shadow and the advent of the vernal equinox fulfilled.   The trees are budding and flowers begin to bloom in sunny beds, but this “spring” can mean more to our lives than a call for lighter clothing. The warmer weather beckons us to get outside, and live-walk, play, plant a garden, or simply to enjoy the fresh scents and sights of the season as the cold retreats and the snow and ice disappear.

People walking under trees in pink blossom

Photo credit:

The season we call “spring” heralds mild weather and new plant and animal life, but the concept of spring is also symbolic of renewal, rebirth, and a fresh take on our lives and surroundings.   We can be filled with a sense of restored energy, the motivation and inspiration to make changes, to learn a new skill or try a new direction.

Spring can be just the excuse we need to finish, or start, the project we’ve been putting off.  What better time, than when everything around us is green and new, to create, to complete, to reinvent our own selves?

Children in tulip field

Photo credit:

So let’s take up the challenge most of us abandoned along with our new year’s resolutions.  Let’s finish those home improvement projects, let’s dig into the fertile soil and write a new chapter in our lives.   Let’s strive, once again, to be the individuals whom we’ve always dreamed we’d be, if only we had another chance.  Today, and this season, is the time to reassess our goals, and look forward optimistically for a better future.  After all, the earth itself renews with the new season, so why can’t we?

Happy Spring,
