Make Yourself Happy in 2018

Today, many of us are dealing with the aftermath of the holidays-the cleanup, the diet guilt, the rush to exchange unwanted/unneeded items and picking up after-Christmas deals.  In this last week of 2017, many of us will begin reexamining what we’ve accomplished this year, and what tasks or goals we’ve not yet completed.  Many of us will begin to visualize a list of resolutions designed to improve ourselves, our lives, and perhaps our community as well.

As we speed towards 2018, I encourage you to set goals that are more encompassing than losing a certain number of pounds or including more produce in your diet.  I challenge all my readers out there to actively pursue that which will make you truly happy.  Instead of simply wishing for a new, better life or hoping to win the lottery; get out there and improve the life you already have.

1/52 ~ Resolution
The first step to a happier life is defining your goals.  Photo by Rachel.Melton on / CC BY-NC-ND

Take time to envision the aspects of your life where you are unhappy and think about what steps you could take to change them.

  • Are you not satisfied in your current job? Speak up to your boss, train for a new position, or consider finding a new one.
  • Don’t like your current house, but moving is not an option? Repaint, rearrange furniture, or take a home improvement course at a local adult education center.
  • Not happy with your appearance? Get new workout clothes (they may encourage you to hit the pavement or go to the gym) or get a new haircut or some new clothes.
  • Want to see real change in your community? Look around to find charitable organizations you could join, or support or start a campaign to improve local government or law enforcement.

Whatever it takes to improve your self-esteem and ultimately increase your self-worth is always going to make you happier.  These goals may sound too broad or reaching for some, but the key is there is always something you can do to improve any situation.  These improvements may only be apparent in the smallest of ways or one step at a time, but any step in a positive direction should offer some degree of happiness and encouragement to keep moving forward.

Think big-make a change that will make you happier; you’ll find that by improving your outlook on life, your loved ones and others around you will be affected by your positivity too!

Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions!




6 thoughts on “Make Yourself Happy in 2018

  1. No post Christmas guilt here. Wife has been dealing with food poisoning.

    Great idea about real achievable goals. Nothing will get you down like wishing with no working to go with it. Great article and encouraging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bob, I’m so sorry. I hope your wife feels better soon.
      Thank you! I agree, wishing is not enough; we have to work to empower our dreams. The effort we put in makes the accomplishments more worthwhile.
      Happy New Year to you and yours!


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